Laneway & Garden Suites in the City of Toronto

Prowise Group Provide Engineering and Development services for Laneway Suites

A Laneway & Garden Suite is a self-contained residential unit located on the same lot as a detached house, semi-detached house, townhouse, or other low-rise house. A Laneway Suite is typically located in the back yard next to a public laneway and is generally smaller in size, and completely detached from the main house on the lot.

Laneway Suites provide new rental housing opportunities within established neighbourhoods, contributing to a wider range of housing options.

Laneway & Garden Suite 是一个独立的住宅单元,与独立式住宅、半独立式住宅、联排别墅或其他低层住宅位于同一地段。巷道套房通常位于公共巷道旁边的后院,面积通常较小,并且与地块上的主屋完全分离。

Laneway Suites 在已建立的社区内提供新的出租住房机会,有助于提供更广泛的住房选择。

The following service products are required for getting the building permit and completing the construction work.
